Thursday, March 15, 2012

How I work

2 Reasons for this blog post today

1) To explain how I work and     2) to tell you about a website I discovered today.

In a few months I will be celebrating 13 years as a REALTOR® here in Campbell River.  The business is always changing, especially so in the last few years.  The changes are actually changes that I embrace and make me love my job even more as I like the direction things are going.
For the past few years I have been working mostly by referral, which means I don't spend my time knocking on strangers doors or calling random numbers trying to pick up buyers.  I hated that part of the job.  I honestly don't want EVERY buyer thats out there.  I really only want the ones that truly want to work with me, the ones that we click right away, not the ones I have to convince to do so. 

Now this is not the way I was trained when I started in Real Estate.  I was trained to appeal to everyone, adjust the way I do things to get along with everyone and to meet the needs of every type of buyer, all personalities, all styles, all ages.   We were and I think are still taught that you have to take alot of listings to suceed.  Working with buyers should not be your main business.  Well many of you know that I used to be alot busier than I am these days, I worked with everyone and anyone that came by and at times I was very drained and tired.  My life has changed, I now have a 2.5 year old who takes up a good chunk of my days.  My priorities have changed.  I now time block.  I make appointments around my husbands work schedule and babysitters and its works, it works really well actually. I dont aim to get  every bit of business out there.  Now more than ever my time is extremely valuable to me.  Every hour at work is an hour away from playing with my little one, so I make it fun, and I make it count.  Working by referral has always felt right to me and now more than ever it just makes so much sense.  Work for me now is more enjoyable than ever.  I work mostly with buyers, Yes I take listings, I just don't take on as many as I used to. 

When I start working with buyers I would by lying to say it isn't nice to have them buy the first house you show them! of course it is, its awesome!  But this is not what I am counting on. The majority of the time new buyers come to me as a referral from someone I already know and have worked with.  Likely someone I will really get along well with as their friends would not have sent them to me if they didnt think we would be a match. 
I am  not looking for the quick sale and wanting to move on to the next client. I strive to build a lasting relationship with these people and then they send their family and friends to me.  They send me people that are similar to them, and likely similar to me too.  After the sale goes thru and the buyers move into their new home, YES if its okay with them I WILL keep sending them real estate info.  Keep them up to date with the real estate market and make sure they have my info readily available for the day that a friend says "hey do you know a realtor I should work with."  I also just come right out and ask for referrals from these people.  Its my business. 

I thought I should write about this today because sometimes I still do hear things like  "we are sorry we are taking so long to pick a house to buy"  or "oh sorry we dont like this house, we wont be buying it today, sorry to waste your time"  and a very common one  "why would you send those people real estate email updates?  they just bought with you, why would they want to move already"

I send them stuff because they want to be kept up to date, and in turn they always have my info when they need to give a family member the contact info of someone they trust to use as a REALTOR®
And spending time building a relationship with people I like and people that trust me is NEVER a waste of time!  that is how I work, that is how I view the process.

I love that these days facebook and twitter are part of my work.  The Naysayers out there have quieted down in the last year.   I now rarely hear Facebook will disappear, or facebook is not an appropriate place to advertise what you do.  I love that in this day of real estate REALTORS®  can do something different if they choose to.  Not everyone has to agree with or like eachothers style.  The old textbook rules of how to list a house, how to advertise a home, how a realtor should dress what we should say is really not relevant anymore.  Not in real estate and not in any business as far as I am concerned.  And I love that.  I don't think every REALTOR® should be on social media.  I think everyone should have their own style.

This brings me to #2.  I came across this website today  when it comes to real estate websites I will say this website in one word is "REFRESHING!   Its not like most Real Estate websites I have seen.  I think this is very fun and very inspiring!  The best contact us form I have ever seen under  "contact"   take a look! 
If you or somone you know is in need of a Vancouver REALTOR® I would check them out.

Time for a play break. My little one has been sitting beside me patiently adding up 'cats' on my calculator and I think the novelty has worn off!

I finish up typing here feeling inspired to think outside the box and not necessarily follow the rules.  Make up your own rules as you go! why not.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I am feeling like 2012 has already started out with alot of optimism in the Real Estate Market!
Interest rates have dropped and are once again making history with all time lows.  Forecasts all seem to point in the same direction with most agreeing rates will stay at these all time lows through 2012 and likely into 2013. 
Our Royal Lepage Advance office 2011 statistics are in and we came out on top again with 47% of the sales, the remaining 5 offices in the area sharing the other 53% of sales.  I am very fortunate to work with the people I do, we all work very much as a team and and we offer uncomparable marketing and cooperation of the homes we list for sale. 
In 2012 I am fully available to help you with buying or selling your home.  Don't forget if you know of someone in need of a Realtor I will take great care of your friends and family and make sure you are rewarded for the thought!
I want to wish you all a very exciting and fun filled 2012! 
Here is a quote I love to leave you with   "Don't Look Back, You Are Not Going That Way" - unknown